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April 28, 2024


  1. Most people don't even realise that the economy is collapsing and there is an increasing rate of unemployment worldwide 🌍 so take advantage and prepare while things are still on the shelf in the store.

  2. Your videos are much better these days…….. i like the balance………..great job Rob xx

  3. Dear Digital Asset News. Polygon has admin keys. They can lock you out of your money. Don't shill centralized garbage. Haven't you learned anything from the Celsius debacle?

  4. I wonder if the large amount of new coins this cycle is keeping the logarithmic Regression from hitting the lower band. I.e. 17000 more coins making the the total market cap higher than it should be at this time. Without them we could have hit the bottom

  5. These exchange questions are ridiculous. Get your money off centralized exchanges. Besides the money you day trade with you should not hold coins on exchanges. If you do and somethings happens well you deserve for being so dumb. Especially after what we just witnessed last 2 months smh

  6. The average rent for a one bedroom in Austin is not $3K+.. You can grab a one bedroom apartment for $1600-2100….But it's not going down in price soon.

  7. Jersey City is in my area. That data is definitely not accurate. Lots of section 8 housing in Jersey City and lots of slum. They over-counted the high-rise luxury apartments near the Hudson.

  8. On Cardano you can send Multiple Assets in a single transaction. That's means on Cardano you can send 100 Assets to different addresses in one single Transaction. This would take 100 separate Transactions on Ethereum or Solana and totally destroys any TPS argument.

  9. Rob. Looks like you are Clown News again. Chapter 11 does allow Celsius to claim all assets paid out 90 before the filing. And with the amount of money being paid out to employees proved my point that bankruptcy judges don't give a crap about depositors.

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