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April 27, 2024

8 thoughts on “Top 5 Crypto To Buy Now & Make Millions In 2024!!

  1. I respect your work mate. TA is good but I find it truly baffling that all major crypto youtubers just look at pure T.A and completely Ignore the bigger narrative of why BTC Is dumping and why the future outlook might not be as rosy as it seems. It's kinda irresponsible to ignore the fact that each ETF launch so far has caused a major dump at the peaks of BTC.. We were already on shaky footing with historically low volume and almost pure whale dumps, narrowly avoiding a long-term bear market. more emphasis should be put into day trading as It is less affected by the unpredictable nature of the Market.. I have made over 8btc from day trading with Adams Luther, insights and signals in less than 1week, this is one of the Best medium to backup your assets incase it goes bearish,

  2. One more thing. What is the team behind Myro? I checked the Myro website and there's no info at all on the team. How do people know this is a good team?

  3. But Myro may not list on tier 1 for weeks or months. Why would anybody buy this knowing it can sag in price for a long while? A tiny amount is ok. But anything more is gambling.

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