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April 29, 2024

13 thoughts on “The Treasury is COMING For Crypto!! End of DeFi in the US?!

  1. So tax my NFTs, but not Hunters paintings. Sure that's fair. Yellen needs to go back to her corner with her mushrooms and shut up. Yellen and Thatcher had one thing in common. The would butt in to too many people's businesses. Mind Your Own!! China Should have kept her.

  2. If a person was holding a card game at their house and betting with money, the cops can legally kick the door down and take everyone to jail, however you can go to casinos all day 24/7. female selling themselves on the street will certainly land them in jail with heavy fines, however you can go to strip clubs all day, lets not start on Marijuana. moral of the story, they will allow it if their getting a cut period. the US put sanctions on its own citizens😂😂😂😂😂

  3. It’s almost as though the US is ready to hand over the keys to the next financial super power? It seems painfully obvious that another country is going to capitalize on this.

  4. It's funny how any invention, such as the internet or crypto, that allows people to bypass governments are such threats to governments . On voting day for politicians, I stay home .

  5. The gov leaning on Uncle Sam harder to figure out new ways to fund and cover their incompetency with finance is a sign of the times.

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