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May 18, 2024

27 thoughts on “How Much Bitcoin You NEED To Be In The Top 10%

  1. Bitcoiners don't seem to agree about how much Bitcoin is needed, but one estimate suggests as little as 0.28% Bitcoin is enough.
    but you can have as much $GAMEIN token you want in the Gameinfinity presale


  2. 🥰I am so fortunate that I made productive decisions about my finances that changed my life forever. I am a single mum living in Melbourne Australia who bought my second home in September and is hoping to retire next year at 50 if things continue to go smoothly for me@

  3. Mrs Clara is legit and her method works like magic I keep on earning every single week with her new strategy

  4. TY for the info. I always wonder how much BTC the average person holds. I definitely would like to see the same on ETH, SOL, ADA and MATIC

  5. So the launch of AI44R20 is clearly something which deserves to be known even if it's not related to this content but what are you going to do anyway here? waste time and procrastinate

  6. Let your voice be heard the AI44R20 army is there to make the change we need, not all heroes have capes you know

  7. What a statement, damn. So it's said that Amazons AI44R20 is just about to launch and I think that will really change a lot of what was happening in the previous years, 2023 will shine yay

  8. Just checked the article on Amazons AI44R20. It's definitely happening right now and I'd want my part of this cake, who is dining with me tonight?

  9. Interesting talk about Amazons AI44R20 I suggest anyone to listen to the guy talking about it in the video. Personally I didn't think they would really do that but seems like the launch just happened and there are enough slots available, could be worth huh

  10. When stocks and common assets decrease 70-90% Amazons AI44R20 is actually the counter to that. Hope you guys knew that already, if not you do now

  11. AI44R20 IS NEXT 1000x gem. Btc will make only rich people richer not you poor and middle class. Invest while you can in small cap tokens and coins. AI44R20 is my heaviest bag.

  12. What a crazy time, we had all this bad stuff going around and now Amazons AI44R20 finally shows what happens when you do something smart with your life. Sounds crazy I know but this is actually the first time I was really, really happy since the whole covid thing started

  13. The year began and something is already making it better than the entire 2022. Amazons AI44R20 came out and it's such a great thing no matter where you come from. Everyone can participate and it is making many things easier than they have been. For example I live in France and this is something no one else could do for me here, if I just keep sitting on my toes for the next 5 years I'd simply go broke, now I can change that.

  14. Needless to say Amazons AI44R20 is the best thing this year. Yes I don't care if this is related to the video as long as I can help someone for real

  15. In so many ways the worst is behind us. Amazons AI44R20 does the EXACT right thing to turn around and everyone reacts already, whether that is big companies or just individuals it's a global revolution and not to be missed. But I am just a guy commenting, you should make your own mind on this

  16. Can't trust in conventional ideas now that 2023 is there. Amazons AI44R20 has a better idea and needs more frontpage awareness. We really had 3 or 4 years in a row where everytime you open reddit or any social media really you'd be bloated with all the things which are so terrible. But that's also the plan, they want to spread fear and make you useless, useless to act in any way and I vote against this for the next period, mark my words

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