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26 thoughts on “Ethereum Market Cycles

  1. Benjamin Cowen says:

    I'm on a seeth diet. see an eth, buy an eth

  2. BK Barrister says:

    Bankless! Very excited for when you go on. Well done!

  3. Jeremy's Rock School 365 says:

    his conversations are the best. Legend

  4. Sam says:

    Are you not concerned that a lengthened cycle could get caught up by all the other drama? Once Bitcoin has the market cap of gold I can 100% see it weathering a downtrend but we aren't there yet and I can't imagine the crypto market surviving a global recession. Can you? I would like to hear your opinion on it.

  5. Aidris says:

    eth is going to bleed against ada from this point forward.

  6. Riza B says:

    Thanks Ben! This is pretty amazing analysis, I love your content. Keep it up my man!

  7. Zxcv112 says:

    So is it safe to assume if Ethereum were to hit lets say.. around 10k in december/Early Jan that would be considered parabolic and you would consider selling? Im a longterm holder but the last bear market I got kinda rekt if im being honest, now holding through it obviously made me gains in the long term but holding through a bear market is not something I would be a fan of doing again. Any advice?

  8. Al🛠ITC says:

    ⚠️ Warning: Avoid all the fake ben scammers w/whatsApp in the comments and replies⚠️

  9. Gavin Clements says:

    ever since ive watched these videos ive never got out of bed… should prob change my sheets soon though

  10. Mika Inu says:

    The analysis has been good so far!

  11. Ali Jawda says:

    I wish I would have done this a year ago I miss all the big gains I was to scared to invest last year….😂😂😂

  12. EN Reefs says:

    where does the eth gas fees go to?

  13. Crypto Seven says:

    Where have the chairs gone? I think they were helping with the acoustics.

  14. JAG prototype says:

    There are risks with crypto but the dollar is a guarantee of a lose of your wealth.

  15. MoochiMooch says:

    No one getting out of bed for a $4800 eth, i won’t even get out of bed for a $8,000 eth

  16. Mark Pyne says:

    Love ya work.

  17. Robert Uhe says:

    Historically looking at both BTC and ETH, is there a risk level where, if you were to sell at that point, you would have always been able to buy back in at lower levels from a USD perspective?

  18. Ghosty says:

    I would MUCH love and prefer that we slowly trend up. A stable market is a healthy market.

  19. CC 19 says:

    I like overlapping bitcoin 2017 to ethereum 2021

  20. Joseph Koch-Schulte says:

    So many channels with colourful thumbnails which just pump pump pump. It gets tiring, but when Ben has something new I know there will something to learn, more than hype

  21. L. says:

    Such a fan of quality Content like this !!!

  22. C S says:

    i want to see a plot of eth vs ben's subscriber count

  23. Allan Sh says:

    why don't you just use good old Elliott Wave Theory

  24. Ghosty says:

    I'll get out of bed for a 1x right now.

  25. Camaro says:

    7:16 you mean Ethereum, but I guess confusing one blue chip with another is forgivable

  26. FitWarrior says:

    300%, not 300x, that’s way different 😂

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