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April 29, 2024

27 thoughts on “Bitcoin & Ethereum EXPLODE

  1. Roast my portfolio Lark: I have Bitconnect (great project), FTT (Phoenix from the ashes), EOS, and Coqinu, LFG!

  2. Prices may stay flat until summer. I don’t think we will see explosive prices soon.Prices will slowly go up steadily.They will probably explode in Q3,O4

  3. The first couple of seconds of your expression = my expression waiting to buy this dip.😊
    Thank you Lark.

  4. Lark, I'd like to see a day in the life of you. Do you have a family? Are you enjoying life? Is your wife hot? LOL

  5. Impressive video! Your detailed analysis of the intricate pension situation and the potential impact of the debt ceiling crisis is a compelling wake-up call for proactive financial planning. Yet, adding a touch on alternative investment strategies, such as the potentially lucrative day trading, would have elevated the discussion. Though risky, with strong risk management and a keen understanding of the markets, it can be a profitable endeavor. Continuous learning, staying updated with trends, and leveraging insights like Tobias Hawke’s are critical to success. Remember, with discipline and dedication, trading success is within reach…

  6. Hey lark man youre videos RA gift from God. Been doing my own research for year
    Cost me a A ton of money I learned now to sit on my hands and research better. I came across arkhm today. I researched it and I liked what I saw what do you think of it

  7. Blocksailor's commitment to autonomy and decentralization is commendable. A project with a vision!

  8. Blocksailor's rise in popularity is a testament to its strong fundamentals and innovative approach. It's projects like these that drive progress in the crypto space.

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