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April 25, 2024

19 thoughts on “Bitcoin Becoming Legal Tender in US? Cryptocurrency, Stock Market Update and Analysis

  1. Hi Greg. I am raja from india. Now everyday I am expecting video from you.i am addicted to you information about crypto. Thanks Greg. Send some reply to me I am happy.

  2. I learned a lot about buying when there is fear in the market . I use to get shaken out and panic sell but now I buy more when I see the low prices

  3. Very poor analysis
    I’m done with you and doge coin is better than BTC , pay attention to the community and learn plus you should always end your analysis by god knows if you do believe at god

  4. I'm of the opinion that those who leave it to market dynamics to determine when to trade or not are either new to the Market or are probably just naïve. The market has seen far worse times than this, enlightened traders are taking advantage of the dip and pumping even more towards trading sessions. My advice to new investors: More emphasis should be put into day trading as it is less affected by the unpredictable nature of the market. Trading went smooth for me as I was able to raise over 15 BTC when I started at 2 BTC in just 5 weeks of implementing trades with signals and insights from expert Jefferson Davies .You can reach him on ͲeIєɠɾαm⭐Davies481

  5. Investing in different streams of income in other not to depend on government for funds and avoid all the chitchat about the inflation bla bla bla

  6. I'm of <the opinion that those who leave it to market dynamics to determine when to trade or not are either new to the Market or are probably just naïve. The market has seen far worse times than this, enlightened traders are taking advantage of the dip and pumping even more towards trading sessions. My advice to new investors: More emphasis should be put into day trading as it is less affected by the unpredictable nature of the market. Trading went smooth for me as I was able to raise over 15 BTC when I started at 2 BTC in just 5 weeks of implementing trades with signals and insights from expert Henry Dawei..

  7. Reading about people grabbing multi-figures monthly as income in investments even in this crazy days in the market,any pointers on how to make substantial progress in earnings?would be appreciated..

  8. Ok if such a small (80% say 0.25-05) hike is already priced in why would the markets drop 15-20% in March? Why not push on higher?

  9. As far as I am concerned, the only way you're going to minimize inflation is if you allow the use of bitcoin and other cryptos to buy everyday products.

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