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June 3, 2024

26 thoughts on “Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency (Crypto) Markets: What to Watch For in 2023

  1. This bitcoin and cryptos market is the best I've seen and thanks to you I can know and learn more about it and what we should do.

  2. Excellent conceptual video regarding cryptocurrency and market trends, you explained just amazingly and also very detailed.

  3. My knowledge of cryptocurrency is very limited. However, my understanding of the crypto market has improved since I watched this video.

  4. In this year 2023 we are seeing that the price of cryptocurrencies is recovering, let's hope they take the prices of the previous year that came to be worth almost $5,000 an ethereum and 60,000 a Bitcoin.

  5. I think it is more likely that BTC, ETH, will retest resistance to the upside and then turn down. But as always, things change daily and all we can do is trade responsibly and monitor the markets and reassess our strategies frequently.

  6. Excellent video; I believe the need for online trading will drive up the cost of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies.

  7. Investing in Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency I believe is still a better deal than leaving it in a savings or checking account earning 0-1 percent interest.

  8. I'm glad I joined Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Markets when I did because it was a turning point for me financially, it was my best decision so far

  9. Great video about the state of the crypto market! A thoughtful and clear explanation, thank you for taking the time to share this video with us.

  10. A very interesting video where he teaches us about the Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency markets and what we should mine for this 2023. Greetings, successes and keep sharing content like this.

  11. Fantastic update, greatly appreciated. As holders we can always make good money using this opportunity by engaging in crypto trading and make profits. I'm glad as a smart investor I am putting my hard earned savings into the most, that being said the only transparent market there is day trading. Great video content, thank you for sharing this great video with us.

  12. FNFTs could become a collateral, allowing users borrow against their positions. Resonate is working on it. FNFTs allow locked positions to be tradable, usually for a discount. That will be reduced over time when we have more efficient markets. resonate finance

  13. I think crypto's biggest problem, at least in the United States, is that exchanges are subject to KYC. That pretty much kills converting crypto to USD or some other fiat currency for actual spending. Credit card payment processing has already killed private spending.

  14. Excellent video, I think that Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies are going to rise in price due to the need to do online trading!

  15. Excellent video, thanks for this information on the Cryptocurrency markets, I will take it into account before investing

  16. Incredible information of the cryptocurrency, thanks to this video now I know more about the subject, without a doubt very important, thanks I will share it with all my friends

  17. Great and very interesting details about the bitcoin and cryptocurrency markets and what will happen with them in 2023. Thanks a lot for sharing.

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