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May 4, 2024

30 thoughts on “XRP *NEW!*🚨The dollars last days?!💥Ripple: A Stable Coin Company* Must SEE END! 💣OMG!

  1. Ripple is also working with Coreum – Coreum is designed for CBDCs and will allow Ripple xrp to scale

  2. Are you aware that countries are moving away from the American dollar for use in international trade? Saudi Arabia, Iran, China, African countries, and the list goes on. This is what gives the dollar its value. The world is tired of America using the dollar as a weapon to destabilize countries.

  3. Respectfully, on what basis do you say you don’t see the dollar collapsing or that it might last another 50 years? The math doesn’t work. Ray Dalio really hits on the lifecycle of fiat currency in his latest book and with the rest of the nations abandoning the dollar I don’t see it lasting another 50 in its current form. Additionally, they have to have a crisis as an excuse to bring in the solution.

  4. OPEC was selling oil for dollars ONLY (ie strong dollar). Now they accept other currency (ie weakens dollar). They no longer need the US.

  5. Love your vids bro but lets be real, the US Govt is absolutely not trusted by us in the rest of the world, hasnt been for as long as Ive been a backpacker (over 20 years)

  6. US dollar is not of usa but of private central bank; the whole world this except Americans! Now the world over throws the petrodollar, that is what going on right now.

  7. Xrp as the rails for cbdcs,it would make the price of a single xrp an incredibly high price due to limited supply

  8. I watched all your videos and you are my favorite YouTuber on XRP. Please keep it up and thank your for all you do. Luis

  9. You are never going to lose, 😅 buy at the bottom. Don't worry about the price once you have it.

  10. Mickle, you are right on point‼️ Many of my friends, family members and associates “do not want to know what is coming down the pipeline and how the CBDCs will change everything”.

    It is so sad 😔 people don’t want to learn about digital currency.
    I greatly appreciate your research and the insights you provide. I love ❤️ your content!

  11. Please stop saying “ and i hope you enjoy the cooonteeent 💁🏻‍♂️ “ that way please 🤦🏻‍♂️😂

  12. I was a little disappointed in that one.
    The dollar is no longer popular due to its weaponization over the past several decades. The BRICS nations are growing in number and their combined GDP is greater than the G7 nations.
    It’s all been planned, and all is going according to their plans for us.
    I’m hoping to make it through the collapse of the dollar with basic prepping of food and tangible assets, and good health practices.

  13. I love the grounded reality of this channel ! Notwithstanding the recession, I no longer depend on the government Grant since I acquire $27,500 every 21 days.

  14. The collapse of the dollar it’s all about people believing that the dollar is strong when people believe the dollar is not strong like they do today that would bring on the collapse of the dollar a dollar is worth whatever it is worth because the world says so when the world says it’s not worth nothing then it will be not worked on and that was going on today. I believe you are wrong. The collapse of the dollar is around the corner.

  15. I picked this up months ago and considered all the stable coins dinosaurs time is limited. Cbdcs will kill them, so while they are important right now, the only future they have tomorrow is if they become a cbdc for a country. And it's the best move possible for ripple to build as many cbdcs as possible. This insures that they use ripples network and xrp. People just don't understand where the future is but ripple does.

  16. People need to open their eyes and understand the enslaving power shift the cbdc is going to put on us. People need to push back resist and say no to cbdc's they will sell it as a good thing but its as evil as evil gets. Cbdc then personal carbon footprint tracking and then when youve bought to much meat or gasoline or… your money simply wont work. Then put you in a 15 minite city with climate lockdowns and with a flip of a switch they can force compliance, or silence the speech of anyone who is agàinst the current government or agenda….. bad news the cbdc people.

  17. Hope you're right, but i think you're wrong. 50 years… nope, 5 years i think is a stretch.

  18. Bro I've listened to you and haven't seen you call anything right lol and this video has been the worst perspective of all. Lol. Keep up the good work brother God bless. Your totally wrong on this on bud and beacise of this video and your view on this I can't listen to another word you put out. My apologies and thats facts!😂

  19. Wake up and smell the Java! De-dollarization is happening quickly and may cause a collapse of the USD than you might think, particularly if she US gov’t is unable to pay their debts due to hitting the debt ceiling. That could happen this summer.

  20. Good Twist! On the Dollar Collapse
    But I do admit to repeating it in public because it wakes people up..
    Thus this might just be that part in “the movie”

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